Policy Brief Bulletin
A collection of research and policy papers written by Filipino social science organizations about current events and pertinent issues.

AI in Elections in East and Southeast Asia: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ways Forward for Democrats and Liberals
Organization: WR Numero and Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD)

(Mis)Handling COVID-19–Related Deaths and Islamic Burial Rites Among Muslims in the Philippines
This policy brief critically examine the handling of COVID-19-related deaths

The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Bangsamoro Local Governance Code
This policy brief explore the pivotal topic of Indigenous Peoples’

Decolonial Approaches to Legislation in the Bangsamoro Context
This policy brief is based on “Decolonial Approaches to Legislation,”

Bangsamoro Local Government Code: Re-reading of Decentralization and its Problems
This policy brief revisits the principles of decentralization of Bangsamoro
Interested in contributing?
In service to the growing social science community, the Philippine Social Science Council warmly welcomes contributions to the portal’s database from interested individuals, organizations and institutions.