Since its inception in 1996, PMRN has been producing publications where migration scholars are able to disseminate their studies to a wider audience. These publications are available at the PSSC Book Shop.

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Philippine Migration Issues, Policies, and Narratives (2021)
Edited by Jean Encinas-Franco
In this book, PMRN gathered an impressive array of scholars and researchers, each of whom has done extensive work on migration. Collectively, their chapters bring together recurring dilemmas, contradictions, and potentials of Philippine emigration. While each explored a different type of migrant experience—domestic work, women seafarers, marriage migrants,—and phases—reintegration, aging, and everyday life—among others, the pieces weave into the country’s tapestry still grappling with the migration phenomenon and its consequences.

Interrogating Migration: New questions and emerging trends in the Philippines (2013)
Edited by Jorge V. Tigno
The publication sheds light on the conundrums brought about by new migration policies, programs and trends. It examines current proposals to codify OFW-related laws; the preparedness of local government units to play a more active role in the protection of OFWs; and, the actual and likely political effects of international migration on the Philippines. It questions whether absentee voting promotes consociational democracy, and if international migration leads to laziness in the remittance-receiving households. Finally, it looks at existing migration literature to determine if there is an oppositional or counter discourse to bagong bayani.

State, politics and nationalism beyond borders: Changing dynamics in Filipino overseas migration (2009)
Edited by Jorge V. Tigno
The book draws attention to the political aspects of Philippine migration, particularly how the Philippine state strives to engage and extend its influence to citizens abroad and how diasporic communities are influencing policies at home and their host societies.

In de olde worlde: Views of Filipino migrants in Europe (2007)
Edited by Filomenita Mongaya Høgsholm
Written mostly by Filipinos based in Europe, the 26 articles contained in the publication trace the history and trends of Filipino emigration to different countries in Europe, and discuss the issues and challenges experienced by Filipino migrants as they strive to integrate in their respective communities. The volume contains as well a number of personal narratives of Filipinos working and living in the continent.

Exploring transnational communities in the Philippines (2007)
Edited by Virginia A. Miralao and Lorna P. Makil
The volume chronicles the history and emerging trends of South Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese influx and settlement in the Philippines, and describes how these foreign resident populations compare with early foreign inflows into the country. The volume also contains an assessment of two landmark laws enacted in 2003, the Overseas Absentee Voting Law and Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Law.

Filipino diaspora: Demography, social networks, empowerment and culture (2003)
Edited by Mamoru Tsuda
The articles comprising the volume describe how Filipino migrants manage their lives away from home, beginning with an analysis of the concept of transnational community and the diasporic connections of overseas Filipinos. Several articles also look into the experiences of Filipino workers in Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore in working out their various problems with assistance from NGOs, church- based support centers and, in some instances, trade unions.

Filipinos in global migrations: At home in the world? (2002)
Edited by Filomeno V. Aguilar Jr.
The publication is a best-selling collection of fourteen papers by an international panel of scholars that cover the following thematic areas in the study of immigrants and labor migrants: structures of global migration; human agency and migrant identities; subjectivities and sexualities in context; stress, resistance, and methodological issues; and the self vis-à-vis family, home, and return. The volume contains an in-depth introduction that weaves together the key findings of the papers.

The Philippines as home: Settlers and sojourners in the country (2001)
Edited by Maruja M. B. Asis
The publication explores a lesser-known angle of the country’s migration experience, i.e. the Philippines as a destination or host society to migrants from India, China and Russia. The papers also provide sketches of the individual and collective experiences as they deal with legal classifications, questions of identities, community life, and integration or its alternatives.

Filipino workers on the move: Trends, dilemmas and policy options (1998)
Edited by Benjamin V. Cariño
The papers in the volume examine historical trends and patterns in the country’s overseas labor movements and the policies and programs which have been adopted with the intention of influencing transnational labor flows in ways that would be beneficial to the Philippines and its overseas contract workers. The papers include the limits of some existing policy measures and point to the necessity of certain structural changes to contain or mitigate the adverse impact of the temporary employment of workers abroad.

Philippine migration studies: An annotated bibliography (1998)
Compiled by Aurora E. Perez and Perla C. Patacsil
The publication contains abstracts of some 370 earlier studies on Philippine migration further classified by major topic area and specific focus. The volume was prepared to increase the awareness of researchers, policymakers, development workers and concerned individuals on the range and scope of the available literature on migration in the Philippines.